
Chelbie here. Have you considered hiring a doula but aren’t sure what exactly a doula does? Or maybe you have just heard the word “doula” for the first time and are thinking, “a what?”. Well, this article is just for you. My goal is to help you feel comfortable, confident, and interested in hiring a doula for your birth because you deserve one! 

Let’s start from the beginning; what is the history of a birth doula?

The concept of birth support is depicted in stone carvings and statues from prehistoric times. The word “doula” is a Greek word that means “female slave for childbearing [person]”. The use of a doula dates back to the natural birth movement in the U.S. where birthing people desired to have low-intervention and unmedicated births. People began inviting friends, family, and support people with practical knowledge to their birth who guided them through their birth and postpartum period. 

So what is a doula?

A doula is a trained professional who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to new and expectant parents before, during, and after birth.

There are a variety of different doulas in the birthing world: a birth doula, a postpartum doula, and a full spectrum doula. So what are the differences? 

A birth doula is someone who supports you through pregnancy, labor, and birth. They can be hired anytime during pregnancy and once hired, most birth doulas are accessible 24/7 by phone or text. Doulas offer prenatal meetings before birth where they educate, guide, and help you plan for what to expect in all birthing scenarios. Birth doulas are on-call for you starting around your 37th to 38th week of pregnancy and will assist you during your entire labor. They will provide evidence-based information and physical and emotional support. Have you ever heard a partner saying, “I was so overwhelmed and had no idea how to help while they were giving birth?” Well, they probably should have hired a doula! A doula supports partners too by guiding them on how to best support the birthing person, ensuring they have water, eat, and providing backup support when they needs a rest. 

A postpartum doula specializes in the transition of someone’s journey from pregnancy into parenthood. Sure, the baby snuggles are the best, but this work really focuses on caring for the new family as a whole on a deeper, more intimate level during this vulnerable and transformative time. They provide non-judgemental guidance on newborn care and feeding, assist the birthing person with physical and emotional recovery, and provide practical household assistance. Many postpartum doulas even offer overnight support so you and your partner can get a full night’s rest.

A full spectrum doula, like myself, is educated in fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant loss (miscarriage, abortion, and stillbirth). We can be hired at any time and will be on-call from the time of hire. If you are struggling with fertility, you can reach out to a full spectrum doula to educate and support you through your journey. We support people in the same ways as a birth and postpartum doula but are also educated to support you through miscarriage and stillbirth. If you are planning on having an abortion, a full spectrum doula will support you by helping you plan, educating you on all of your options, and holding your hand the entire way. 

A doula does not perform clinical tasks, such as taking blood pressure, fetal heart check, or vaginal exams. They do not make decisions for you or speak to the staff on your behalf. They also do not deliver your baby. 

So how do you find the perfect doula? 

Well, every doula offers something different: spiritual support, acupuncture, massage, Reiki, coaching, breathing techniques, home birth support, hospital support, etc. Luckily, there will ALWAYS be the perfect doula for you. Some websites I recommend to search for a doula are doulamatch.com, bcdoulas.org (for BC residents), and even Google to find doulas in your area. Think about traits that are important to you. Do you want your doula to be certified? Do you want a doula who lives close to you? Do you want someone with experience?  These are going to be specific to you but will help you narrow down your search. Be sure to pay attention to how you feel when reading their information. Do the words they write bring up any feelings? This will be the most important way to find someone who is the perfect fit for you. Once you narrow down your search, you can contact the doula/doulas to have a free consultation. During this meeting, whether it is online or in person, it is important to continue to check in with yourself. They may be a perfect doula by the books but you want to make sure you feel comfortable enough to allow them in your birth space. 

How much does doula support cost? 

Depending if you live in a big city or a small town, there may be a handful to hundreds of doulas so there will be a wide range of costs. On average in the Greater Vancouver area doulas range anywhere from $200- $2,000.00 depending on experience, location, and offerings. If you can’t afford a doula, ask if they offer a sliding scale or payment plan (I offer both!). There are also many grant programs in Vancouver area like bcaafc.com, bcdoulas.org, and vancouveroundation.ca.  

Some ways of creative financing for a doula are to put a doula on your baby shower registry. Instead of having multiple of other items (highchairs, books, clothes, etc…) why not ask your loved ones to pitch in and buy doula support as a gift. You can also ask for postpartum doula support, a meal service, etc. Have a useful skill that a doula might need? Some doulas will even offer trades! Ask to see if this is something that your doula offers. 

So now you are ready to go out and find yourself your perfect doula and receive the care and support to have an empowering birth that you deserve!

Check out more questions like when to hire a doula and learn about the difference between a doula and a midwife here. Scroll down to the bottom on the page to read more!


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